Jenn Hallak

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Pregnant Belly Week 12 | Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week

Do you want a boy or a girl? We're hoping for a....


I'm sure we all get this question A LOT and the answer is typically "we will be happy either way." Well, I'm a bit more up front when that question is asked because while of course we would be over the moon with a boy or a girl, if someone asks me, I'll tell you straight up that we want this baby to be a boy.

In fact, we tried for a boy.

Yep, I didn't know that was a thing either until we decided to have a second baby and basically, here's how it works. How do you increase your chances of having boy? I'll tell ya.

Girl sperm move slowly but live longer. Boy sperm are speedy but die more quickly. So say, for example, you conceive 2 days before ovulation (and don't try again within those two days). Most likely, the girl sperm are the only ones surviving still in there and so, you are more likely to have a girl. Now most women have a peak ovulation of 12-36 hours, so the closer you are to ovulation, the more likely you are to conceive a boy because they beat out the girl sperm. But of course, we don't know exactly when we ovulate so it's all a big guessing game and if you try for a boy, you may even miss the mark by cutting it too close (that was what I was most scared of!).

Of course, it's not an exact science but that's what we did to try to conceive a boy and we shall see if it worked! But either way, you know we'd be over the moon about our beautiful little miracle baby. And heck, we'd be over the moon about a dinosaur too. Because every baby is a miracle. 


Week 12 Bumpdate

I know I like just did our pregnant belly week 11 update at the end of last week and it's only Monday (exactly 12 weeks pregnant today!) but I really wanted to do my update today for two reasons:

1. We had our anatomy scan today and I cannot WAIT to show you all the pictures!
2. I may be skipping forward a week of pregnancy come tomorrow (more on that below)

So I'll explain everything a bit more:

Today we went in for our anatomy scan with the specialist to make sure all organs are in place, all fingers and toes and legs and arms are there and in the correct place, to check on the size of the brain and then most importantly, the spinal cord and all that comes along with that.

Good News: all is well with everything!

I'll take a step back to when I was pregnant with Ava: We went in for our anatomy scan, they measured her length and immediately said they couldn't do anything further for us because "she was too tall." I believe the baby has to be measuring under 14 weeks to complete the spinal cord measurements and she was measuring 6 days ahead. So we left and that was that.

So this time around when my OB mentioned this anatomy appointment, I let her know that it didn't work out with Ava so she scheduled me at 12 weeks (today) to ensure we would be able to complete the appointment.

Funny Story: We STILL almost missed it!

A couple days later and we may have missed it one again!

I am at 12 weeks today and the baby is measuring 13 weeks 4 days. And so, even though I know the date of conception, they said they'll most likely change my due date. So even though I'm 12 weeks today, I may be 14 weeks next Monday.

You see, I don't really care about due date because the baby will come when the baby wants to come but I know that I'm going to get pretty freaking antsy if I pass that due date sooo I'm hoping the date stays the same for my own sake. Or I'll just tell myself that it didn't change haha

Here are some photos of our super tall little nugget today!

Past Pregnancy Shirts of the Week + Bumpdates