Jenn Hallak

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Pregnant Belly Week 18 | Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week

Here we are… my 18 weeks pregnant belly and this is the week I’ve been waiting for.

Well, despite the fact that I woke up sick this morning (boo, sore throats are the worst!), we had such an exciting week because guess what happened…

Daddy felt baby boy kick!

Not once, but twice and gahh I couldn’t be happier. Those kicks are everything these days and now, I just can’t wait until Ava has the patience to sit there and wait to feel one. She is going to light up!

Other than that, no updates here. Just growing like a weed, already having random strangers ask me when I’m due and already have people telling me it’s a boy (at least they’re all right this time around) and I cannot wait to see our baby boy again on the 22nd for our Anatomy Scan, my favorite scan of them all!

We decided to keep it going with the Halloween themed pregnancy shirts and this one, Ava got in on too.

So cute, right?

If you love this pregnancy shirt and Halloween kids shirt,
click the button link below to shop and browse Little Mama Shirt Shop.
You are going to want it all!

Past Pregnancy Shirts of the Week + Bumpdates