Jenn Hallak

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Pregnant Belly Week 9 | Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week

I've got some fun stuff up my sleeve that I've been planning since before I was even pregnant. I've been keeping ideas since we decided we were going to try and as soon as I got that positive pregnancy test, I started working with small shops and companies to start bringing all of those visions to life -- products, giveaways, I've got it all planned out and I cannot WAIT to share it all with you!

So here it is, the first week of pregnant belly weekly updates at 9 weeks pregnant --

Pregnant Belly Week 9

Back when I was pregnant with Ava, I did did chalkboard signs every week to track my belly growth -- I had a "baby loading" bar with the percentage I made it through pregnancy and I drew a picture of the fruit she was currently the size of. And this time, I decided to switch it up and so something a little fun and different:

Funny pregnancy shirts.

I love me a little humor and with all of the nausea and aches and pains and hormones that pregnancy brings, I figured I might as well bring some extra smiles, happiness and laughter into my life (and hopefully yours too!). So every week of pregnancy, I'm going to be featuring a funny pregnancy shirt, all made by Little Mama Shirt Shop. (PS I'm so freaking excited to be partnering with her because she's just just wait and see what we've got in the works!)

Without further ado, here it is -- My pregnant belly week 9 (I swear there's a belly there already) and this week's funny pregnancy shirt of the week know...I'm hungry all the freaking time.

Pregnancy Week 9 Update:

I don't know what it is with this pregnancy but it's a weird kind of hunger at this point. I don't feel hungry but I feel like I have to eat. And the second I stop eating, I'm nauseous within minutes. So if I just keep on eating, then I don't feel sick and that's a win for everyone!

When I first found out I was pregnant at just three weeks, all I wanted was to feel something. I Googled non-stop trying to figure out if I could find a symptom I was feeling but there was nothing there. And it scared me. It scared me to death.

Every day my husband would ask me, "Are you feeling sick yet?"

Nope. Nothing.

No symptoms and being sick was all I wanted. So silly of me to wish that upon myself but feeling sick meant something was right. And then it happened and it hasn't stopped. Some days I feel great in the morning and don't get sick until the late afternoon but most days, I feel sick all day every day (unless I'm eating, that is) and it doesn't seem to be easing up any time soon. The grass is always greener, huh?

So for now, I'm just trying to make it through each day, trying to work as much as I can (although it's hard) and trying to be the best mama to Ava I can be, even though sometimes I feel like I can't even stand up.

But the best news is that I know it will end. I know that for a fact. And even if this lasts all pregnancy (let's just hope that's not the case), at the end of it all I will have the most precious gift I could ever ask for and every single terrible nauseous feeling will all be 100% worth it.

So that's all for this week :) Let's see what crazy sympton decides to hit me next week!

If you missed my pregnancy week 3-9 yesterday, click here to take a peek at all of my pregnancy "adventures" thus far.