Jenn Hallak

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Sprout + Blossom | Baby Products From Newborn to Toddler

Sponsored with love by Sprout + Blossom

You know what drives me crazy about baby products? Just that. They’re [usually] baby products and baby products alone.

You should see our garage right now — it’s a big jungle (okay, maybe a tornado is a better word for it) full of baby products that we used for *maybe* six months of Ava’s life. She used them, loved some and didn’t care for others, grew out of most before we could even get them into “used condition” and for the past two years, they’ve all been collecting dust in our garage.

So when I find a product that can be used from birth through toddlerhood and beyond, you’d better bet I’m excited about it and I’m going to shout it out from the rooftops! The only thing better would’ve been if we owned it when Ava was born but hey, at least Ava’s loving it now and can enjoy it still for years, even at age 2.

I’m so excited to be partnering with Sprout + Blossom on the launch of their Baby-Toddler-Kid Lounger and here are some of the things I love about it:

- It's great for babies with reflux (Ava spit up like crazy for the first 6 months of her life)
- It's a safe place for parents to place their babies in comfort
- The inner lining is waterproof and the out layer is easily removed for washing (major mom win, right there!)
- You can use it from birth through childhood (and they may even have some adult versions available...should I snag one??)
- It's super portable and super lightweight so you can carry it from room to room

And I could go on for days but I'll let you head over to Sprout + Blossom to take a peek for yourself!