The Helper Hare | Teaching Kids Important Values

The Helper Hare | Teaching Kids Important Values

Sponsored with love by The Helper Hare
Photos by Briana Lindsey Photography

I think I've said it at least 34 times now (maybe because reality hasn't quite set in yet) but Ava is going to be two on Wednesday. Can you believe it? I know that so many of you have followed our journey from the time Ava was born and man, my parents were totally right when they said "time flies." Time flies when you're having fun and man, I'm having such a blast being a mom. This morning I was looking into Ava's eyes and I began to tear up. I made this little girl and I get to be her mom.

Books for Teaching Kids Values - The Helper Hare -- Mommy Blog - The Overwhelmed Mommy

Seriously how cool is that?

All of those amazing, blissful and happy moments far outweigh the hardships and the struggles but that doesn't mean they aren't there. As Ava is now beginning to form sentences and she can now tell me "no" and she's beginning to form her own personality, her own likes and dislikes and her own views on life, it is more important than ever to begin teaching her the values I want her to grow up knowing and honoring.

There are the pleases and the thanks you and being friendly and kind. I want her to learn the Golden Rule, I want her to respect adults and really, respect everyone, I want her to be helpful because she wants to and I want her to grow up having a relationship with God.

And then there are the every day things -- brushing her teeth, keeping her room clean, helping with the chores (and not giving any fuss...hah!). Those every day things are so important too.

As Ava begins this year of being two, I want begin instilling all of these important values into her life and I found such a helpful little tool:

The Helper Hare

You see that little bunny right there? Well it's funny because we went to take photos of her with her bunny and book set, The Helper Hare, and after we were done, she wouldn't let him go. She carries him around, she sleeps with him and every morning she wakes up, he's the first thing she asks for (along with her baby).

I mean, we all know that kids loved stuffed animals and they love reading books so what perfect way to teach Ava all of these values than with the two of those things that she already loves so much -- a book and a bunny.

Books for Teaching Kids Values - The Helper Hare -- Mommy Blog - The Overwhelmed Mommy

The Helper Hare is the story behind the magic of Easter and is a book for teaching kids important values in their life from an early age. Without helper bunnies, of course the Easter Bunny wouldn't be able to make Easter happen -- building the toys, painting the eggs, hiding the candy in the grass. Similar to the elf on a shelf, "A week or two before Easter, The Helper Hare™ will show up at your home and see how your children behave.  The Hare wants to see how helpful and good they can be.  At night while they sleep, the Hare will report back to the Easter Bunny on what has been seen.  Day after day the Hare returns to your home, until Easter Eve.

Each day your children will look for and find the Hare and you'll encourage your children to show and tell The Helper Hare all of the helpful and good things they do.  The Helper Hare can be hugged, held and played with, but at the end of each day, your children should return the Hare to where it was found.  The Helper Hare™ An Easter Tradition is fun for the whole family."

It's really such a fun way to teach your kids important values, for them to begin begin proud of their good deeds and accomplishments and to give them a little friend to stand by their side the whole way through.

Click here to order The Helper Hare and use CODE: OWM15 for $15 OFF!

Books for Teaching Kids Values - The Helper Hare -- Mommy Blog - The Overwhelmed Mommy
Books for Teaching Kids Values - The Helper Hare -- Mommy Blog - The Overwhelmed Mommy
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