Jenn Hallak

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This Year's Christmas Home Decor

I can’t believe it but we waited until December this year to get all of our Christmas decor up… well, got some up on the 30th and finished off our fourth tree (yes, we absolutely went overboard on the Christmas trees this year) on the first and that’s the latest we’ve decorated in a very long time. And you know why? Because after Christmas I’m honestly sick of the clutter. Once Christmas is done I want the decorations packed away and I’m always so ready to be back to the simplicity of our “everyday home.”

Anyone else feel that way?

But truly, I love the Christmas season and all of the magic that comes along with it. If you don’t follow us on TikTok, then you have to watch this video of the kids seeing the Christmas lights up on the house for the first time — the definition of holiday magic, right there. And all of the decorations make me smile too!!

So the four Christmas trees situation:

1. We’ve got our main family tree, of course.
2. We surprised Ava with an ombré pink Christmas tree last year and it’s so darn Ava and so darn cute so of course, that one’s up again.
3. When Franky saw Ava’s tree in her room last year he wanted one too so this year, we got one for the boys’ room.
4. Frank wanted to be all fancy this year and got a Christmas tree for his office too! It honestly looks way cool (and fun!) in the background of all his client video calls so I was so on board with that one.

Will we add a fifth tree next year? Probably. Can’t leave Macallen out!

I linked as much Christmas home decor as I possibly could here — Christmas home decor, our Christmas trees and all of the ornaments we’ve got on our trees too! Just click on the image and it will link to all of the holiday decor in that photo!