Jenn Hallak

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36 Unique Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Mother's Day is right around the corner. Like this week. Like in SIX DAYS. And I know we all say, "I don't need anything for Mother's Day" but all of the dad's out there are surely not going to listen. So whether you're a gift person or not, Mother's Day is a day to accept treats and accept gifts and accept all of the love your family is going to give you.

Because remember, we freaking deserve it.

Just in case you want to drop some hints to the hubby or send him a little reminder that he's got just 6 days to plan, this list is just that. Because if he's gonna buy you something anyways, you might as well make sure he snags something you love :)

I've got a little round up of unique Mother's Day gift ideas you're sure to love!

Pssst...If you're a dad reading this, don't forget to snag her some flowers too ;) [Use CODE: md20 to save 20%]

If you see anything you want to shop, just click on the photo and it will take you right to where you can buy it!