Jenn Hallak

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Waffles On-the-Go [it's true!]

Sponsored with love by Waffle Waffle

Confetti waffles for breakfast? Yep, you heard that right and my life has changed for the better.

I am always looking for new snacks for Ava (and for myself because…hello…pregnancy cravings + hunger!). So Ava’s the kind of picky eater who will love one food for about 4 days and then all of the sudden she won’t eat it anymore. So coming up with new toddler snacks for on-the-go for her is a must. And we all know that on-the-go toddler snacks are a necessity to #momlife. Am I right or am I right?

I would like to introduce to you, your new best friend:

Waffle Waffle

These things are perfection. On-the-go waffle snacks in so many delicious flavors — waffles for breakfast, waffles in the car, waffles in the stroller or hey, waffles while you shop! These little packages treats can be enjoyed anywhere and everywhere and let me tell you, they’re a pretty good life saver when you’re out and about with a toddler and need some sort of distraction.

  • Buttery Vanilla

  • Buttery Maple

  • Cinnamon Roll

  • Birthday Cake

And if you’re a sweets lover and love to switch it up a bit, they’ve even got frozen Waffle Waffles in so many delicious flavors:

  • Homestyle

  • Birthday Cake

  • Cinnamon Roll

  • Chocolate Chip

Is your mouth watering yet? Because mine sure is!

Waffle Waffles are available on Amazon for on-the-go or at Walmart for the the frozen kind. Either way, they’re delish!

Pssst…these may even make some great stocking stuffers…just saying.