"The Overwhelmed Mommy" Preset 6-Pack

"The Overwhelmed Mommy" Preset 6-Pack
The Overwhelmed Mommy Preset Pack includes six downloadable presets in DNG format [zipped], available for download and use on the Lightroom mobile app.
This pack includes the following presets:
The Hallak Preset
Ava Sue Preset
The Baxter Preset
Morning Hayes Preset
Have A Good Day Preset
Franky Boy Preset
All purchases are non-refundable.
CLICK HERE for detailed instructions for how to download presets to your Lightroom Mobile App.
Downloads will only be available for 24 hours from the time of purchase.
Please download your preset files to your phone immediately
or your link to download will expire and you will no longer have access to download the preset files you have purchased.
We are unavailable to assist with technical inquiries but step-by-step instructions can be found here.
*Presets are for one-user use ONLY. Any unauthorized distribution of The Overwhelmed Mommy Presets will be met with legal action*