Pregnancy-Friendly Recipe // Grilled Steak

Written with love, by Sarah-Elizabeth Stone

Pregnancy-Friendly Recipe // Grilled Steak

The time has come to declare the end of warm BBQ season. The weather channel is predicting snow overnights, and frost warning is in effect. Will that stop the Canadian BBQer? Heck no! There are fathers-to-be hauling their cold butts outside to satisfy that ever present craving. Now, I’m not saying that it’s the end of BBQ season altogether, as it’s more of a year round hobby. But what has changed is the ratio of comfort to great food level. Soon the snow will fly and I’m sure that my husband, along with many others, will be spending some time shoveling around the barbecue this year. 

This week’s craving just so happens to be a very well done steak, with warm mashed potatoes, and asparagus. Throw in some corn, and gravy for the perfect, and satisfying meal.


Steak Rub Ingredients

Pregnancy-Friendly Recipe // Grilled Steak

·         1 can of Guinness (Don’t worry, the alcohol will burn off in the cooking phase)

·         1 tbsp Montreal steak spice

·         1 tsp basil

·         ½ tsp paprika

·         2-4 steaks


Pregnancy-Friendly Recipe // Grilled Steak


1.       Mix spices, Guinness and Montreal steak spice in a ziplock bag with the steaks

2.       Marinate steaks anywhere from 5 – 24 hours

3.       BBQ on high for 5-10 minutes depending on size of steaks (and make sure they are well done for your little one!)

4.       Add side dishes and enjoy!

Pregnancy-Friendly Recipe // Grilled Steak

Week 18 // Belly Pics

Week 17 // Belly Pics