29 PROVEN Morning Sickness Remedies

29 PROVEN Morning Sickness Remedies

Best morning sickness remedies? I’ll get to what all of you sent my way but first, this is what’s worked for me this pregnancy and past pregnancies in relieving that morning sickness nausea (or night sickness, in my case):

29 PROVEN Morning Sickness Remedies - hacks for relieving pregnancy nausea

Right now, the only thing that makes me feel better is RED Powerade…and it has to be the red one. It’s funny because a lot of you said the same thing about Powerade or Gatorade but each one of you have said a very specific color. So I’d say try them all to see which works best ;) And with Franky, my best morning sickness remedies were carbs - crackers, noodles, anything carbs and if I stopped snacking, the nausea would come back. This time a swear any food makes it a thousand times worse.

Yesterday on stories I was answering some of the pregnancy questions you all had for me — When do you find out the baby’s gender? Will you tell us when you find out? How did you get pregnant without a period? Has pregnancy affected your milk supply? Are you still nursing Franky while pregnant? And then the top question —

How are you feeling?

So here’s the scoop on that one: I am 11 weeks pregnant today and last week was definitely my worst week so far. With Ava, I felt pretty much no morning sickness at all. With Franky I had some light all-day sickness that didn’t last long and with this pregnancy, I definitely have some “all day sickness” days but for the most part, I feel nauseous pretty much every evening around dinner time. Luckily, I’ve got an appetite during the day but dinner time, not so much.

A lot of you said that with each pregnancy, the morning sickness (or night sickness) got worse and worse and that’s definitely how it is with me. And then there are those of you who felt sick through the second trimester or through all of your entire pregnancies and my goodness, I feel for you all! I can’t even imagine this. I’m super nauseous (with no actual vomiting) and I’m miserable some days with just that.

So of course, I had to ask what the best morning sickness remedies were/are for you all so I could create a list, just in case any of you (or myself) need it. So here it goes:

29 PROVEN Morning Sickness Remedies - hacks for relieving pregnancy nausea
  • Jolly Ranchers, lemon hard candy or any flavored hard candy (a LOT of you said this one)

  • EmeTerm wristband

  • Cheddar cheese first thing in the morning (this one made me laugh)

  • Unisom (talk to your doctor first!)

  • Fruit flavored drinks, Raspberry lemonade (watered down), hot or cold lemon water

  • Anything lemon scented or flavored

  • Powerade/Gatorade

  • Sea bands

  • Ginger Essential Oil, ginger candy/chews

  • Peppermint Oil

  • Diclegis (prescription, talk to your doctor!)

  • Stay away from strong food flavors

  • Mint gum

  • Grapefruit

  • Lifesaver White Mints

  • Pretzels

  • Baby snuggles

  • Preggie Pops

  • Sprite, Coke, Ginger Ale

  • Peppermint Candy

  • Vitamin B6

  • Constant snacking

  • Protein overload

  • All Carbs

  • Chocolate (tiny amounts)

  • Ice cold water

  • Saltine crackers

  • Potato chips

  • Keep that belly full even when you’re not hungry

So while everyone is completely different, even from one pregnancy to another, there are some common trends I see in here — fruit flavors whether it’s candy, in water or a fruit flavored drink, making sure your belly doesn’t completely empty, carbs and anything ginger seem to be the most common things that work for so many of you. So if you’re in need of some morning sickness remedies, get to trying these things and you’re sure to find something that relieves it maybe at least a little bit :) At least I hope!

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