3 Steps to a Healthier 2019

3 Steps to a Healthier 2019

This post has been sponsored by Renew Life​®​. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

3 Steps to A Healthier 2019 - Renew Probiotics - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger

Pies, turkey, ham, all the delicious sides and a whole lot of yummy treats in my belly. The holidays are all about family, giving, happiness and of course, food. We all do it — we say we won’t stuff our faces this year, we say we won’t go for just one more treat, but it always seems to happen when we’re surrounded by delicious baked goods and yummy food all around us.

Food is our gathering point — we laugh, we tell stories and memories, and we visit with family and friends who we haven’t seen in a while—all over food. And there’s nothing wrong with any of that, but getting back into a healthy routine after the holidays is hard work and it takes discipline.

And then, the new year rolls around and we set ourselves goals — unrealistic goals.

The gym is crowded for the first two weeks and then people start dropping like flies. We all say we’re going to go from working out zero days a week to suddenly hitting the gym 7 days a week for an hour when we currently work out zero hours a week or we’re going to give up sweets for life. And believe me, I’ve been there and I’ve failed those goals miserably. And while some people may have the discipline for that (a very select few), I’m all about balance. Giving ourselves unrealistic healthy goals isn’t healthy, in my eyes, because we’re setting ourselves up for failure.

So here’s my advice:

Set yourself up for success and set small, realistic goals for 2019 — water intake, working out, and adding Renew Life® Probiotics into your daily routine. Keep it small and keep it simple and with that, I promise those small goals will make a world of a difference compared to the goals you can’t keep.


I’ve come up with a list of small, realistic healthy goals we can set for ourselves in 2019. They’re easy, they’re simple, they don’t take much time and they’re absolutely achievable so there won’t be any excuses. And I encourage you to pick and choose or come up with your own goals that you know you WILL achieve no matter what.

3 Steps to A Healthier 2019 - Renew Probiotics - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
3 Steps to A Healthier 2019 - Renew Probiotics - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger

1. Water Intake

We all know that water is one of the best things we can do for ourselves and personally, I’m terrible at water intake. So instead of setting an 8-bottle-a-day goal (when you’re currently not even drinking one), set a one-bottle-per-day goal or a two-bottle-per-day goal. Put lemon or a yummy fruit inside your water — anything that will make it that much more delicious for you!

2. Probiotics

Think about it, just one single pill in the morning can help support your digestive and immune health. Something that takes just a couple of seconds can make a world of a difference.

3 Steps to A Healthier 2019 - Renew Probiotics - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger

Renew Life® Ultimate Flora™ Women’s Care Probiotic 25 Billion

Renew Life Women’s Care supports digestive and immune health; promotes vaginal health + healthy vaginal microflora; is made up of 25 billion live probiotic cultures, 10 probiotic strains, and vegetable capsules; and is free of gluten, dairy, and soy.

Renew Life® Ultimate Flora™ Extra Care Probiotic 30 Billion

Renew Life Extra Care helps you feel better, lighter, and more energized with 12 specially selected strains, promoting and restoring digestive balance and immune health.

After trying our Renew Life over the past month I’ve got to say, I don’t necessarily feel any significant changes (yet!) but with everything in life, everyone and every body is different. But what I can tell you is that mentally, I know that I am doing good for my body and my health and with that in mind, I can rest easy through the holiday season…even with that extra cookie in my belly.

Renew Life Extra Care and Renew Life Women’s Care can be purchased in store at Walmart or online at Walmart.com — same product, new look.

3 Steps to A Healthier 2019 - Renew Probiotics - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger

3. Realistic Workout Goals

If you don’t work out as it is, you probably won’t end up going to the gym 7, 5 or even 3 days a week past the second week of 2019. So set some small goals — 50 jumping jacks the second you get out of bed in the morning (it’ll take you just a couple of minutes), a 10-minute walk after work just 2 days a week, parking your car at the far end of every parking lot to encourage more walking. Whatever it is. small goals do make a difference.

Make small goals, stick to them and 2019 is sure to be the best year yet!

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