Jenn Hallak

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32 Weeks Pregnant Belly | Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week

32 weeks pregnant (almost 33 weeks) and it’s confirmed once again that we’ve got a huge baby boy. At our 32 week appointment he already weighed 5 1/2 lbs and he’s at the 97th percentile! Let’s just say, daddy is pretty proud :) Future football player? My guess is yes!

I’m having 5-10 Braxton Hicks contractions daily and they’re lasting for a good 2 minutes each — all normal, according to my doctor, but I never had this with Ava so it’s crazy how long they’re lasting and how many I’m having this early! And let’s see what else happened this week… I was diagnosed with PUPPPs which miraculously went away 2 weeks later (my doctor is baffled) and then I had a specialist ultrasound for this crazy pain I’ve been having in my upper right quadrant and all was clear (thank goodness) so baby boy is going great in there. Although, I am so ready for him to be here :)

Next week we have our baby shower for our little man, the nursery is getting there and we leave for our babymoon next weekend. We’re headed to Colorado and I cannot wait for a snowy wonderland and some relaxing time before the chaos begins!

Our funny pregnancy shirt of the week this week from Little Mama Shirt is quite fitting since I haven’t done a bumpdate since I was 28 weeks pregnant. Oops! But ya know…kids. And life!

If you want to shop Little Mama Shirt Shop, click the link below
and if you want to browse through our past bumpates, scroll to the bottom of this post!

Past Pregnancy Shirts of the Week + Bumpdates