Kids Small Shop Fashion Guide | Day 3

Kids Small Shop Fashion Guide | Day 3

Hip hip hooray — dad is coming home today!! It’s been a week of just us girls at home (well, Baxter’s here with us and Baby Boy is in my belly) so technically, we we had as many boys as girls here at home but who’s counting ;)

Baby Kids Distressed Jeans Denim - Baby Sunglasses - Cute Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Baby Kids Distressed Jeans Denim - Baby Sunglasses - Cute Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger

My husband left for London on Monday for work and Ava has been a complete angel all week — thank you, baby girl! But basically, I haven’t slept. Is it just me or does anyone else not sleep well while their spouse is away? Night one I got 2 1/2 hours, night 2 was a little better but I woke up a ton throughout the night and night three and four…well, let’s just say I need to get some sleep this weekend.

Moral of the Story: We’re pretty stoked over here and Ava even painted a “Welcome Home” sign for him — it’s pretty adorable. When I asked her if she wanted me to write “Dad, Daddy or Dada” on the sign she goes, “Write Welcome Home Frank!” Bahahaha… couldn’t stop laughing and she pitched in — “Mama, Frank is my dad!” Oh the things these toddlers say.

Baby Kids Distressed Jeans Denim - Baby Sunglasses - Cute Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger

Anyhow, we’re on Day 3 of our Kids Small Shop Fashion Guide and I’m totally diggin’ Ava’s vibe — this is a casual, every day look that we just love so much. She’s rocking kids distressed jeans from Dimps Denim, the most darling pink loose-fitting tee from Kambia Kids and those adorable kids sunglasses from Mini Made Co.

If you want to shop any (or all) of this these cute kids clothes,
just click the links below!

Baby Kids Distressed Jeans Denim - Baby Sunglasses - Cute Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Baby Kids Distressed Jeans Denim - Baby Sunglasses - Cute Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Baby Kids Distressed Jeans Denim - Baby Sunglasses - Cute Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Baby Kids Distressed Jeans Denim - Baby Sunglasses - Cute Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Baby Kids Distressed Jeans Denim - Baby Sunglasses - Cute Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Baby Kids Distressed Jeans Denim - Baby Sunglasses - Cute Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Baby Kids Distressed Jeans Denim - Baby Sunglasses - Cute Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger

Check out these small shops on Instagram!

Baby Kids Distressed Jeans Denim - Baby Sunglasses - Cute Kids Clothes - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
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32 Weeks Pregnant Belly | Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week

Kids Small Shop Fashion Guide | Day 2

Kids Small Shop Fashion Guide | Day 2