Jenn Hallak

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4 Reasons You Should Teach Your Kids to Try New Foods

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Guess what?!

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Ava is FINALLY eating. Like, she’s eating real meals — not just fruit and cereal but I’m talking real meat. Steak and chicken and ham (we call it all steak) but man, it’s so nice to finally not be worried about her getting enough nutrients in her life! (Click here if you want to read a little about our eating struggles and picky eater hack with Ava up until now.)

But that’s all behind us and I sure hope I didn’t speak too soon!

Since Ava was born, we’ve always just made her what we were having for dinner. We didn’t want to have to create separate meals for her and we sure didn’t want a picky eater but I guess, that’s something that’s inherent and doesn’t come naturally for everyone. But with persistence, we’ve made it through and I’m going to tell you four reasons why I think every parent should teach their kids to explore new foods:

1. Cultural Experiences

In this world we live in, there are cultures and religions and so many different types of backgrounds. And without getting too political, we all know that not everyone in life is respectful of cultures outside of their own and this is a lesson that is extremely important in our home. We want Ava to grow up accepting everyone, no matter their background, where they’re from or their beliefs. While we may not personally believe in the same things as everyone, that does not mean we cannot respect everyone because everyone deserves respect. And while it may seem like a very minuscule step in teaching this to Ava, I believe that having her experience other cultures, even through food here at home, is the first step in getting her to understand the different cultures that exist in this beautiful world. And yes, that can very easily start here at home.

Bibigo is a convenient food brand that makes discovering Korean food here at home delicious and easy. Because let me tell you, if I were to attempt to make it, you’d better bet Ava (or myself) wouldn’t enjoy it. Bibigo’s frozen dumplings are easy to prepare and perfect for sharing with friends or family as a delicious appetizer or meal and let me tell you, I can’t get enough!

Click here to shop all of Bibigo’s delicious products!

2. It’s easier on you.

I don’t know about you, but I prefer to make one dinner a night and not two. So having our kids try new things, in my eyes, is only going to make your life easier! They eat what you eat and everyone’s happy!

3. Travel

We haven’t done any out of country travel with Ava yet (although we have done our fair share of flying with a toddler inside the country) but growing up, we traveled all over the world and that is absolutely something I want Ava to experience as well. So what happens if you visit another country (or even another city that may not have mac and cheese on the menu) and your kid won’t eat? That sounds like a recipe for a cranky, hangry kid and a not-so-fun trip. Am I right or am I right?

4. Visiting Guests

I know everyone knows that kids are pickier than adults, but even in elementary school I want my kids to be courteous when they’re at friends’ houses or even when we’re over as a family. And denying food, in my eyes, is no longer acceptable at a certain age so I want Ava to grow up trying new things so she can be courteous, kind and respectful when visiting other families too!

Enter to Win Bibigo Products!

One lucky winner is going to receive 3-4 packages of Bibigo dumplings ($30 ARV).
Must enter by September 20, 2018, must be 18+ to enter, U.S. residents only and only one winner per household will be awarded. Winners will be randomly selected and notified by CLEVER.
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