7 Non-Material Mother's Day Gift Ideas [what moms really want]

7 Non-Material Mother's Day Gift Ideas [what moms really want]

You know what’s funny about gifts as a mom? It’s like spending you’re own money on gifts for yourself. Which, of course, is totally fine but ever since getting married, I’ve felt that gifts (or at least material gifts) are just such a funny thing now that we share a bank account. But with that being said, I LOVE gift giving. I’d give gifts all day long if I was able to (aka if money grey on trees) because to me, its far more fun than receiving. There’s just something about gift giving that makes me so incredibly happy — it just brings me so much joy. So that’s why these gift guides are so fun for me. It’s almost like I’m giving gifts in the form of ideas, so hopefully all of you can receive some of the gift ideas I’ve come up with.

7 Non-Material Mother's Day Gift Ideas [what moms really want] - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger

And I know, I know. Most of you reading this are moms so it’s kind of like I’m preaching to the choir but we’ve got moms ourselves, grand parents, in-laws and of course, husbands you can just forward this blog post too…just in case he needs some good ideas ;)

So this year, instead of “things” I decided to come up with Mother’s Day Gift ideas that aren’t material things, but things that lots of moms out there would truly enjoy.

Anything else you’d love to receive that I don’t have on this list?

1. Pampering

Now this means something totally different to all of us and that’s why I’m keeping it a bit vague. Whether it’s a facial or dermal infusion, botox, getting a mani-pedi or a massage — What does the perfect day of pampering mean to you?

2. Kid-Free Shopping

So I know that shopping comes along with material things but the act of shopping kid-free is glorious. Because with kids, everything is twice as hard and takes twice as long. So send her out on a trip to Target to pick out new pillows for the home, new decor she doesn’t actually need or a trip to the mall to pick out some every day clothes (postpartum mamas, where are you at?) or a new dress for an upcoming occasion — KID FREE.

3. A Weekend Trip

This one could be with or without kids. I saw a mom receive a night at a hotel, all by herself and for her, it was refreshing. For me, I’d very much prefer a weekend with the kiddos and my husband so if you’re gifting this to a mama in your life, make sure you choose the right one for her :)

4. Extra Sleep

Whether you send her to the bedroom for an hour nap or snag the kids in the morning before they have a chance to wake her up and let her sleep in a little bit longer, that extra sleep is definitely something any mama with kids in the home still will love.

7 Non-Material Mother's Day Gift Ideas [what moms really want] - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
7 Non-Material Mother's Day Gift Ideas [what moms really want] - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
7 Non-Material Mother's Day Gift Ideas [what moms really want] - The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger

5. Hire A Housekeeper

Cleaning up is nice but a good, deep cleaning is just somethin’ else. Am I right or am I right? Hire a house keeper to deep clean your home from top to bottom and I’ll bet your bottom dollar she’ll have a permanent smile on her face for days. And yes, she’ll want them to come back week after week so get ready for that discussion ;)

6. A Clean Car

Most moms I know don’t have the cleanest cars — crumbs and toys galore! And have you looked under those carseats lately? Just like the home, a deep clean of that car is something she’s sure to love!

7. Finish A Home Project

Whether it’s planting a garden or fixing a light fixture, don’t just say you’re going to do it but actually finish a home project you’ve all been wanting to get done but just haven’t gotten to. There’s just nothing like checking an item off of that mama to do list… and not even having to do it yourself!

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