DockATot GIVEAWAY | She sleeps through the night but we still need our DockATot.

DockATot GIVEAWAY | She sleeps through the night but we still need our DockATot.

Sponsored with love, by DockATot

At the end of this I'm going to tell you how you can win a DockATot but first, here is our sleep story:

As many of you know, we went through a little sleep regression last week with Ava and thank goodness it only lasted three days. Does that even count as a regression? Who knows. But whatever it was, it's gone and hopefully for good.

I consider myself extremely lucky to have a baby that actually sleeps through the night and pretty much has since she was two months old. The day she started rolling over in her sleep and began sleeping on her stomach (despite giving us the worst anxiety EVER for being a stomach sleeper), she has been such a blessing when it comes to night time sleeping.

Key words there: Night Time.

DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining

You're probably all super confused why we felt the need to try out a DockATot considering everything I just mentioned. But just because Ava is great at sleeping at night, doesn't mean she's a great day time sleeper. In fact, she's quite the opposite.

This girl fights naps like there's no tomorrow and nap time is the perfect time for me to get my blogging done. So that, right there, is the perfect combination for two unhappy campers -- a grumpy little girl and a mama who can't seem to find time to get all of her work done. When I do get Ava to fall asleep, she's typically on my chest. Yes, every once in a while I don't even try to put her down because I am only going to get to hold her for so long, asleep on my chest. She's growing up so fast and I cherish those moments I have with her.

But for the days when the dishes are all piled up to the ceiling, I have laundry to do and a house to clean, putting my laptop on my lap and a sleeping baby on my chest just won't cut it. Sometimes I have things I need to do beyond my computer and my phone.

And for that reason, DockATot was our last resort.

The first day we got the DockATot, Ava napped like a charm for two whole hours. It was a late nap so my husband and I got to enjoy a nice, peaceful dinner AT OUR KITCHEN TABLE. Can you believe it? We both sat there and actually ate our meals, without a little hand reaching out to steal the food off of our plates. And while we've been out and about quite a bit over the past week and on those days, Ava naps in the car, stroller, or carrier, I am so excited to continue our DockATot journey and actually be able to get some "me time" when it's needed during the day.

DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining

For those of you who were nervous about it actually being breathable, it's totally true.  Because I was skeptical - like what does "breathable" really mean? My husband and I literally put our faces up to it, squished them into the pillow edges and voila, we could breathe just like normal. Our fears immediately dissipated.

And as you scroll through all of the adorable pictures of Ava and Baxter, you'll see that the DockATot is for far more than sleeping -- it's for playing, for fun, for imagination time and even makes the perfect comfy spot for our pup ;) To say our babies are obsessed is an understatement.

Ava already sleeps through the night but we still need our DockATot.

DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining

The DockATot is a for co-sleeping, for play time, and for helping babies and toddlers sleep better and longer. They come in two sizes: Deluxe (0-8 months) and Grand (9-36 months). All natural and 100% cotton, they're breathable and a must-have for every household. And yes, I even fell asleep in it last night after we put Ava to bed. True Story.

Now to the fun part --

We've teamed up for a DockATot giveaway so one of our lucky followers (super lucky in my eyes) will win a DockATot Deluxe in the print of your choice! Just head on over to each of our social media channels to enter - We will be announcing the giveaway on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter some time today with chances to enter on each :)

DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining
DockATot GIVEAWAY with The Overwhelmed Mommy - DockATot Grand Silver Lining

In case you missed it above, we have a DockATot discount code up at the top. Just click the button link and it will take you right to where you can get $10 off your DockATot purchase!