Kids Cactus Products

Kids Cactus Products

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Last week we did a little round up post on kids flamingo products because they're our current obsession (along with the rest of the world) and today, we're showcasing our other current love.

The Cactus.

I don't know what it is about this plant but they're just so stinkin' cute. And if I see one in person, you better bet I'm taking a photo of Ava next to it every single time. Anyone else with me?

I may have gone a little overboard on this one but there was just so much cute cactus stuff out there that I just couldn't resist! So I've done quite the round up of kids cactus products from cactus swaddle blankets to cactus nursery decor, cactus pillows, cactus baby clothes and so much more! 

If you see anything you love, just click on the image and it will take you right to where you can find it. Can't touch this...well, you can if you buy it. Then you can touch all of this!

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