THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT | The Overwhelmed Mommy is Changing!

THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT | The Overwhelmed Mommy is Changing!

As most of you know, I'm a full time wedding blogger. I get this question a whole like, like every time someone asks me what I do.

"So you actually make money from blogging?"

Yes. It took some time to build and grow but with my three year anniversary of The Overwhelmed Bride coming this November, I can proudly say that yes, I make a full income from blogging.

When I first started out and came up with the name, I bought a couple of URL's, one being I knew that one day, I may want to grow a blogging empire and as soon as I found out I was pregnant, my second blog was born, The Overwhelmed Mommy. But this time, however, I wasn't the expert. I was "the overwhelmed mommy."

I started blogging pictures and updates of my little bump, announced when we found out we would be having a beautiful little girl and blogged my entire pregnancy journey just for fun. And then Ava was born and I found out about the whole Brand Repping world and fell in love with taking photos of my adorable little girl in the most adorable fashionable clothes.

And up until now, it's all been just a fun hobby for me.

But I am so excited to announce that starting next week, we are transitioning to a full blown mommy, baby + lifestyle blog! Don't worry, we're still going to be Brand Repping for some of our favorite shops and we will still be partnering with lots of brands to show off some of the neat baby and kid products we come across. So the pictures of Ava won't go away, don't worry.

But I know that one day Ava will grow up (tear) and one day all of my future children will grow up and no longer will I be able to dress them up in cute clothes to show off to all of you. And it makes me sad to think that one day, this blog will cease to exist so I'm making sure that doesn't happen.

So starting next week, we are going to be bringing so much fun inspiration your way! I'll continue blogging about mommyhood from my own eyes, my trials and tribulations and my wins, but we will also be featuring newborn shoots, maternity sessions, nursery inspiration and a whole lot more fashion for babies and kids of all ages. We will now be a source of mommy, baby, and lifestyle inspiration from all walks of life!

And what does that mean for all of you? If you are a mommy, then I will now be your source of baby fever (yeah, just wait until you see the newborn shoots we have lined up!), inspiration, and a place to help each other out with mommy advice, tips, and tricks. And if you're a shop owner, then send all of your photographer mommy reps my way because we would love to feature all of the most fashionable kids out there (and promote you, of course!)

And finally, if you'd like us to try out your product or want photos of Ava wearing your clothes, we will still be doing that just like we have been :)

I hope you're all as excited as I am to continue this blogging journey and to bring a whole lot of swoon worthy photos and ideas...we already have 6 photo sessions lined up to be featured and I cannot WAIT to show you all of the beauty we have in store!

So if you are a photographer and have a session you'd like featured, whether it's a nursery, newborn, maternity or even a fashionable kid, head over to our website to submit or you can submit via Two Bright Lights!

We aren't stopping what we're doing, just adding a whole lot more! And I hope you're all as excited as we are! Happy Friday everyone!

FALL BABY FASHION | Thanksgiving Baby Outfit

FALL BABY FASHION | Thanksgiving Baby Outfit