The Ultimate 2020 Holiday Gift Guide (for moms + kids)

The Ultimate 2020 Holiday Gift Guide (for moms + kids)

In years past, I’ve done a variety of gift guides leading up until the holidays — baby holiday gift guides and gift ideas for grandparents, stocking stuffer ideas and just a variety of guides for different stages of life. Well this year… I’m in a new stage of life - the newborn stage. Three kids leaves me with far less time than I’ve had in the past so this year, I’m bringing you the ultimate gift guide for everyone!

The Ultimate 2020 Holiday Gift Guide (for moms + kids)

Basically, it’s a quick and focused all-in-one guide with a couple of categories I personally think I have some good ideas for. So that’s that — enjoy!

Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Kids:

  • Sprinkles (you know… like for baking)

  • Hot Wheels (I LOVE all of the Disney themed Hot Wheels are our favorites)

  • Bubble Bath or Bath Bombs (I LOVE Tubby Todd — click here for 10% off)

  • Cookie Cutters (we got Ava some princess themed cookie cutters for hers this year!)

  • Lolleez (our favorite kids lollipops that are great for soothing their throats when sick)

  • Band-Aids (because what kid doesn’t love them? And hello useful!)

  • Kids Vitamins (another gift that’ll actually get used)

The Ultimate 2020 Holiday Gift Guide (for moms + kids)

Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Moms:

Holiday Gift Ideas for Babies, Toddlers + Kids

  • Scratch Paper Art (this is one of Ava’s favorite activities to do recently and it’s great for so many ages)

  • Kitchen Helper (we’ve used this one for years… got it when Ava was less than a year old and it folds up flat!)

  • Mini Trampoline (Ava’s getting this one for Christmas this year… I think it’ll be a game changer for getting extra energy out)

  • Kids Roller Coaster (another item we’ve had for years and still use daily)

  • Pikler Triangle (Franky got this one from Santa last year and it’s been used every single day since then by both kids)

  • Toddler-Kids Scooter (Franky is getting this kids scooter from Santa this year… Ava rides hers on every single family walk)

  • Animal Rockers (you know… like a rocking horse but not. We have this one in the boys’ nursery)

  • Osmo (such a fun educational game for the kids and there are so many options for different ages)

  • Kids Knives (Ava loves cooking so these are the ones she has)

  • Kiwi Co Subscription Boxes (love these boxes for all ages… and they’re educational too so that’s always a plus)

  • Wooden Blocks (Franky got some last year and still uses them daily)

  • Leapfrog Globe (coolest toy EVER… like it keeps me entertained too!)

  • Slumberkins (we love their stuffies but their books are AMAZING for teaching kids emotions)

  • Dollhouse (Ava got one a couple years back for her birthday and here’s a round-up of cute wooden dollhouses.. great for imaginative play!)

  • Kids Play Kitchen (another gift Ava got for her 2nd birthday and it’s used by both kids almost every day)

  • Camp Castle Play Mats (they sent the kids some last month and they’re amazing!)

The Ultimate 2020 Holiday Gift Guide (for moms + kids)

Holiday Gift Ideas for New Moms

  • Ring Sling (give those mamas the gift of two hands… another game changer over here)

  • Gathre Mats (a top used item in our home for keeping the house clean with kids)

  • Barefoot Dreams Blanket (just ordered my first one because it was one sale… code LTK40)

  • A House Cleaner (seriously… this is all I want every single year)

And there you have it — The most used and useful gifts we’ve gifted the kids throughout the years! Hope you found some good ideas in there!

The Ultimate 2020 Holiday Gift Guide (for moms + kids)
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