Vici New Arrivals

Vici New Arrivals

I told this story on my Instagram stories earlier this week but I’m going to tell it again because it was just too cool…

A brand I’ve loved for years booked a holiday campaign with me. I’ve worked with them before, I love their products and I had come up with the coolest, most unique, fun idea for a reel for them. I filmed it and turned it in with a smile on my face, only to receive an email back that they hated it ;( Usually I’d be like okay, what would you like me to fix? I get that not everyone can love everything I do but their delivery really got to me. It wasn’t nice or kind or any of the above and I cried. Actually I bawled for like a full hour and truly thought to myself, “This is it, I’m done working with brands.” Brands can oftentimes be so mean, rude, pushy and just far from kind and this was my tipping point.

Well earlier in the year, my manager asked me what my list of dream brands would be to work with this year and one of them was Vici. I’ve wanted to work with them for years because I’ve been buying from them for years and just truly love their site. Well within the hour of getting the nasty email from Brand 1, I receive an out-of-the-blue email from Vici asking me to work with them for their next launch.

HOW FREAKING COOL IS THAT?! And the timing? That’s God’s timing.

Anyways, the coolest story I just had to tell again and here they are, the items I chose to show off for this week’s launch - some darling Winter cardigans and a few holiday outfits too! Oh and I’ve got a Vici discount code for you too - code: JENNHALLAK30

Vici New Arrivals

Kids Holiday Gift Ideas | For the Little Girls

Kids Holiday Gift Ideas | For the Little Girls

Chicken Pajamas

Chicken Pajamas