Week 25 // Belly Pics

Week 25 // Belly Pics

This week at 25 weeks pregnant is bitter sweet, because it's the last week I will be taking my weekly belly pics in front of this wall...because we are MOVING!! We got the keys to our new house last night and that means we get to start setting up Ava's nursery! And I cannot WAIT!

More rib pain this week just like last week and a couple of days it was pretty terrible (I had to lay down while working) but it comes and goes. Apparently Ava found her favorite place to stretch out!

And yesterday, I took the dreaded glucose test which everyone warned me was terrible. I think it was better that I was nervous ahead of time because it ended up being so easy. I must've tricked my mind into that but at least it's done and over with!

My pregnancy hormones are finally kicking in I think. Our family friend, Erica, had her little baby girl yesterday and when I saw the post on Facebook I started crying. Not just because she is so precious, but because I was so incredibly jealous that she got to meet her little baby girl and I still have 3 months to go! Even writing this, I am wanting to tear up. Can you please go faster, time? And then slow down when she gets here, pretty please?

Until next week (with a new background wall) :)

25 Weeks Pregnant Baby Bump

week 25 pregnancy belly pics
Week 26 // Belly Pics

Week 26 // Belly Pics

Pregnancy-Friendly Recipe // Chickpea Melt

Pregnancy-Friendly Recipe // Chickpea Melt