Kids Halloween Pajamas

Kids Halloween Pajamas

I love holiday themed pajamas. I get them for the kids for every single holiday (and then they wear them year round). I mean, they grow out of them all fast enough so I’d be buying them new ones anyways so I figure, why not make it fun! One of my favorite traditions growing up was that my parents bought us all matching pajamas to wear on Christmas Eve and to wake up in on Christmas morning. We continued the tradition well into adulthood too - me and my three sisters all matching for Christmas. I sure hope this is a memory my kids will cherish like I did (and still do) but we’ve taken it one step further — Easter pajamas, Christmas pajamas and yes, Halloween pajamas too!

P.S. How darling are these Halloween themed pillows?? I’ll link them below for you too!

I’ve told this story before but I’ll tell it again because apparently after years it still haunts me…

There was one Easter where I started searching for Easter pajamas for the kids about a month early. A FULL MONTH EARLY. Plenty of time to get the pick of what I want, right? Wrong. Totally 100% wrong. I searched high and low and couldn’t find pajamas in all the kids’ sizes and so, I didn’t get my first or second or third or fourth or fifth pick. And they were hard to find.

Moral of the Story: If you want to get your kids Halloween pajamas this year, snag them now before it’s too late! And this is why I am telling you this in September ;) Thank me later.

I will link the kids Halloween pajamas below but PBK has so many other cute Halloween designs to look through too… and yes, matching sheets. So cute, right?

Kids Halloween Pajamas

Mommy and Me Halloween Shirts

Mommy and Me Halloween Shirts

Kids Halloween Costume Ideas

Kids Halloween Costume Ideas